Codesphere @ TechCrunch Disrupt 2023

Recap: Codesphere @ TechCrunch Disrupt 2023 - read more about our adventures in San Francisco in this blog post

Codesphere @ TechCrunch Disrupt 2023

This one is very exciting! We just returned from attending the worlds most famous startup conference TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco. The series Silicon Valley turned an an already exciting gathering of investors and startup founders attracted to the silicon valley into an intriguing happening for the bold and ambitious startups from all over the world. Want to get our unique insights from attending, pitching on stage and exploring surrounding events? Then stick with us.

Setting the scene:

Anyone who has ever attended a "startup" conference knows that more often than not, the startups are nothing more than a side gathering in a dark corner of the expo hall - while the better paying corporate sponsors of the event take the central stage with big shiny booths. Not so for TC disrupt. The moment you walk into the venue you can see startups are at the center of this event and you feel the energy and dedication of builders and investors roaming the halls looking for the latest innovations, potential collaborations or just a friendly chat.

We had a booth for all three days of the event and the amount of genuinely amazing people you get to chat with over the course of these days is staggering.

Codesphere's Booth with Jonas and Simon showcasing our innovations

Networking on steroids:

It is no secret that silicon valley attracts the best of the best and after experiencing what kind of people you can meet at the fair & the illustrious after-parties we can confirm that notion. You will find some of the most well known VC funds casually strolling through the hall, watching startups pitch on stage and then meet later on one of the many rooftops, mansions and bars for more in-depth conversations.

We especially liked how open everyone we met was, the focus was less on who boasts the most impressive background, numbers or who can drop the biggest names - everybody can talk to everybody. Startups talking to other startups focused on how they can support the person they are talking to, this can be in form of feedback, intros or collaboration recommendations.

The Codesphere team at TC disrupt


We had the opportunity to pitch Codesphere on stage. On Thursday Elias took to the stage to pitch in the startup battlefield 200 cohort, a group selected by TC that features the 200 most promising startups in the world. The whole pitch was recorded and is available for viewing here:

Besides sharing our vision and innovations we also announced a free GPU plan that allows users to host low traffic, high compute LLMs like Llama2 for free - it is now almost as easy to set up a self hosted LLM as it is to apply for a managed AI solution like OpenAI's API. Want to learn more about the difference between managed & self hosting? Read more here:

Currently our GPU plans are in an open beta (experimental) stage - if you want to take them for a test please navigate to and sign up via the dedicated link. For our existing users we will continue to roll this out over the next months.

Another fun highlight for the team was hosting our own afterparty with our friends from on an amazing rooftop with a mesmerising view of the San Francisco Skyline, fresh Berlin style music from our very own Alex who used the opportunity to debut his first live set there. The performance was so well perceived that he got to play again the very next day at the illustrious SpiceKing of Zanzibar's Mansion for an exclusive after event.

We had an incredible time in SF and hope you liked our quick recap.

Until next time & thanks for following our journey! If you want more frequent updates, feel free to follow our team members on LinkedIn, we are quite active there.