Informative 5 Takeaways from this year’s Stack Overflow Survey While you can check out the full report for yourself here, these are our five takeaways from this year’s survey.
Informative Could Blitz.js be the next big JS framework? It can seem like every few weeks there’s another new game-changer when it comes to JS frameworks, but Blitz.js boasts some powerful…
Tutorial Creating Your First Neural Network in Python w/ Tensorflow If you’ve looked into Machine Learning even a little bit, you’ve heard of Tensorflow, one of the most popular tools for designing…
Informative 5 project ideas to get you started with Machine Learning So you want to build a robot to help overthrow the system? Rage against the machine with machines so to speak huh? Well, first you need to…
Tutorial How to Use Environment Variables in Codesphere In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how you can set up environment variables in your Codesphere app in just a couple of minutes.
Informative 10 JS Tips to Help You Code Smarter, Not Longer Among the top reasons that developers feel burnt out are high workload, personal life, and inefficient processes.
Discussion Burnout: The Price of Passion Developer burnout is real and it’s more common than you might think.
Informative What are Callbacks in JavaScript? Anyone familiar with programming, already knows what functions do and how to use them.
Discussion The Death of Browser Games By the end of the 2000s, with the exception of online gambling, the browser game market is nearly completely gone.
Informative Getting Started with Jamstack Over the past couple of years, one tech stack that has consistently stood out from the crowd in developer conversations is Jamstack. In…
Discussion Do Developers Have Too Many Options? The golden question that’s been debated by developers for years, of course, is whether the abundance of options actually creates a net good
Discussion Github Copilot: Should you be concerned? Even without being officially released, Copilot has sparked intense debate, concern, and excitement from all corners of the dev world.
Company news What’s New in Codesphere Version 1.13.0 As we are sure that you saw, Github finally built the singularity! Jokes aside, we have exciting news.. we just released v1.13.0 as the…
Tutorial How to Build a Stock Trading Bot with Python In this tutorial, we’re going to be using Python to build our own trading bot.
Informative How Code has Fundamentally Changed Financial Markets While practically every industry has had to adapt to the digital age, few have been reshaped as much as finance has. Practically every…
Informative Five JS Libraries to Help you Build a Standout Personal Website For web developers, personal websites can be a great way to stand out among the crowd. More than just serving as a way to host your resume…
Discussion Is there a right way to learn to code? Is there a right way to learn to code? Is there a wrong way? How’d you learn?
Tutorial How to Build Your Own Blockchain in NodeJS In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to build a rudimentary blockchain with some relatively simple Javascript.
Discussion Proof of Stake is a Precondition to Blockchain Adoption Proof of Stake can assuage the sustainability concerns that current Bitcoin and Ethereum mining has sparked.
Tutorial How to create a Twitch Chat Game with Javascript In this tutorial, we are going to build a basic Twitch Chat Game that reads Twitch comments and uses them to allow a player to interact…
Informative Video Streaming: How We Got Here and Why It Works So Well Taking a closer look at how streaming is not only possible but has become such a consumer-friendly industry (Not to mention a lucrative…
Tutorial How to Publish Your First NPM Package in Minutes! In this article, I’m going to show you how to publish your first NPM package in minutes.
Discussion Could Aleph.js be the next big React Framework? Aleph.js is a new React framework built on top of Deno. Is it worth a try?
Company news What’s New in Codesphere Version 1.11.2 The latest Codesphere updates! Codesphere now has app monitoring, code search, and Python support!