Google Analytics

Learn how to run A/B tests with Google Analytics in Codesphere.

Google Analytics is a web analytics service that provides statistics and insights about website traffic and user behavior. It is commonly used to track the performance of websites and measure the effectiveness of marketing and advertising efforts. It offers a range of tools and reports, and integrates with other Google services.

How to get started

If you have successfully set up Google analytics for your web app it will work on Codesphere too. If you want to use Google Analytics for a/b tests, set up a custom dimension in GA via Admin → Custom Definitions, click on the Create Custom Dimensions and then set the value of that dimension in your A workspace and your B workspace analogy to the detailed tutorial here:

Glad to see your interest in this topic

Glad to see your interest in this topic. We know that Google Analytics can be integrated in Codesphere. Unfortunately our documentation is still being built up and this specific document does not exist yet.

We are working really hard to continuously improve our documentation, until we have caught up we are glad to assist you personally in setting this up.

Please fill out the contact form to set up a consultation with one of our solution engineers or head over to our Discord community to get help.