Codesphere @ Karlsruhe Digital

Sharing our insights and learnings in our "home" city Karlsruhe has been great! Read more about our keynote at Karlsruhe Digital below.

Local innovation with global implications: Codesphere @ Karlsruhe Digital

We love sharing our vision and insights of building the next generation cloud computing in front of interested crowds. Karlsruhe is a university city in southern Germany and throughout its history it has been known to bring forth quite famous innovations like the bicycle (Karl Freiherr von Drais 1785-1851) and the first car (Carl Benz 1844-1929).

These days the KIT is one of the leading technical universities in Germany an it is one of the reasons why we chose Karlsruhe as place to found Codesphere in 2021. There is a great supply of talented engineers, sizeable global corporate champions in the area (i.e. SAP, Siemens and many more) and cost of living is decent. Karlsruhe therefore overall has a high level of innovation throughout many different areas - the Karlsruhe Digital event was initiated to bring all these areas together and showcase the leading and cutting edge developments in the region. And right in the middle is Codesphere - our founder & CEO Elias was invited as keynote speaker.

We used the keynote to highlight issues and bottlenecks developments teams face today, how widespread the challenges are across corporates and SMEs globally and presented a way forward. We also got to present our latest patent for reactive inference - a cloud infrastructure innovation that allows hosting AI models at a fraction of the cost.

The software development process

The current software development process is linear, sequential and has painful backsteps. Software moves through a set funnel on its way towards a production release and whenever an issue is discovered development teams have to go back to step 1.

Software development process
Elias on stage explaining challenges with todays software development proces

Key to solving this bottleneck is parallelization of steps and moving towards developing software in the same environments where they later get deployed to production. Codesphere is building the operating system for development teams, allowing the whole process to move to the cloud - not an easy task but absolutely required. And the potential upside is huge! 99% of companies worldwide work like this today.

If you want to read more about where we believe software development processes are headed in the next five years, feel free to read our thought leadership article here:

Reactive inference - Cutting-edge technology - that everyone can try for free

The current wave of innovation and excitement around AI has driven up global demand for computing resources. AI models especially large language models require vast amounts of GPU's to be trained and run. Codesphere has been working on technology that allows cloud resources to be spun up and down much faster than currently possible. This technology is compatible with the majority of software projects out there and allows projects to be run on "on-demand" servers that can cold start within seconds (milliseconds in the future).

For hosting open source AI models this means you can request just as much computing resources as you need for each point in time - this way you do not need to have vast amounts of excess computing resources at hand in order to keep a smooth performance throughout varying levels of traffic. It will be nothing short of game-changing - we are currently onboarding interested enterprises that want to get early access. If this sounds like you please reach out via our contact form:

After the pitch we had a great time connecting with the many innovators, companies and startups from Karlsruhe gathered at the event.