A Recap of the 01/2023 e-Commerce Inspiration Night Vienna

A Recap of the 01/2023 e-Commerce Inspiration Night Vienna

Last month, Codesphere had the opportunity to attend the e-Commerce Inspiration Night powered by MSTAGE in Vienna. It was an exciting event filled with the latest industry trends, inspiring speakers, and opportunities to network with other e-commerce professionals. We were thrilled to be a part of it.

The conference provided a great opportunity for us to meet with other industry leaders. Our sales team was able to learn from experts in the field about the latest trends and technologies shaping the e-commerce landscape. It was a valuable experience that helped to broaden our perspectives and provided new insights into the world of e-commerce. In addition to the informative sessions, the conference also provided numerous opportunities for networking.  We were able to connect with other companies, entrepreneurs, and experts in the e-commerce space, and build new relationships that will no doubt be valuable in the future.

We were also happy to share our own experiences and insights at the conference. The team was able to showcase our platform and the benefits it provides to e-commerce businesses. They received positive feedback and were pleased to have the opportunity to engage with attendees and provide answers to any questions they had.

Codesphere is looking forward to attending more events like this in the future and continues to be dedicated to helping e-commerce businesses succeed. Hint: We will even be back with a speaker slot for one of the upcoming e-commerce inspiration nights - more to be revealed soon!